Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Cheat permainan god hand

More Special Features... *. Fighting Ring challenges Successfully complete Stage 1 to unlock the Fighting Ring challenges. *. Chihuahua Race Successfully complete Stage 2, then talk to the male NPC in the shop. *. Fighting Ring Battle 41-50 Successfully complete the game on any difficulty setting to unlock Fighting Ring Battle 41-50. *. Fighting Ring Battle 51 Successfully complete Fighting Ring Battle 41-50 to unlock Fighting Ring Battle 51. *. Bonus costumes Successfully complete the game to unlock the Carnival, Devil Hand, Karate, and Olivia's Bunny Girl costumes. Start a new game and talk to the new NPC in the shop to change costumes. *. Hard mode Successfully complete the game on the Normal difficulty setting to unlock the Hard difficulty setting. *. TV Successfully complete Arena Challenge 51 to unlock a television in the shop, which is used to view trailers. *. Jukebox CDs Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding CD for the jukebox: Jukebox A: Successfully completethe game. Jukebox B: Go to the casino for jackpot pulls and get a ticket for the Jukebox CD. Jukebox C: Successfully completethe game on the Hard difficulty setting. Jukebox D: Successfully completethe game with the "Kick Me" sign on without using any God

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